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Thank you for giving to homeowners in need


Updated: Jul 28, 2020

We can’t thank our supporters enough for the generous donations we received in response to our end of the year appeal. First, Olympia Federal Savings, a longtime supporter, kicked off our campaign, by committing to match our first $2,500 in donations dollar for dollar! And we did it! More than 20 donors contributed $4,550 for low income homeowners in Thurston County!

These tremendous donations will be used to complete the critical repairs needed to ensure safe and healthy homes for our most vulnerable neighbors.

  • $800 can build a ramp for a wheelchair-bound veteran, allowing him to access services

  • $600 can replace a family’s hot water heater

  • $500 can replace failing, water-damaged flooring in a kitchen or bathroom

  • $250 can repair a front door and deadbolt for a disabled senior

  • $100 can install grab bars for a senior and reduce her risk of falling

  • $50 can fix a sparking light switch in a child’s bedroom

  • $25 can install a functioning smoke detector, potentially saving a life

Thanks to the gift of time and energy from individuals, local contractors and businesses, we’re able to stretch every $1 donated into at least $4 in services.

Donations are accepted year-round! If you missed our campaign or would like to help us further, know that every dollar donated makes a tremendous difference to our homeowners in need. You can donate online by visiting and clicking the DONATE NOW button which will link you to our secure PayPal account. If you’d like make your donation recurring or break it into installments, we are happy to do that! Give us a call at (360) 539-7830.


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