Volunteering with Rebuilding Together Thurston County is a unique experience that brings together individuals from all sectors and associations. Volunteers work together to improve the quality of life for at-risk homeowners and are the backbone of the organization. When you volunteer, you make a lasting impact on the people who you serve as well as the people you serve with.
For more information about volunteering, please contact us by email at info@rebuildingtogethertc.org or by phone at (360) 539-7830. You may also download the volunteer application using the link below.

We always need skilled tradespeople who are willing to donate their labor to a specific project or more frequently throughout the year-round. Plumbing, carpentry, flooring, roofing, appliance repair, tree pruning/removal and more can assist homeowners in need throughout Thurston County. Time commitments and schedules are flexible.

Piloting every project, regardless of scope, is a dedicated House Captain. The House Captain is vital volunteer role. Responsibilities include overall project management, communicating with the homeowner and scheduling repairs, budget management, directing a team of volunteers, and completing the necessary project paperwork. Time commitments and schedules are flexible.

Want to help but you don't have extensive rebuilding experience? Rebuilding Together Thurston County always needs volunteer assistance with general labor at project sites, initial site inspections, fundraising, events, marketing, social media, and office help. Time commitments and schedules are flexible.

Our Board of Directors meets monthly to oversee the organization and steer it toward a vision for the future. We are looking for new members who have skills in volunteer management, event planning, finance, or fundraising and who have connections within the diverse communities in Thurston Cuonty that we serve.
CURRENT VOLUNTEERS: Helpful forms are available by clicking here.