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Rebuilding Day 2022


Updated: Apr 27, 2022

We have seven projects selected for Rebuilding Day. Our first project, happening this month, is replacing a shower and water damaged flooring in Betty’s home. Betty, who is 85 years old and lives with her adult disabled son, discovered a crack in her existing shower’s floor which caused water damage to her floor and sub-floor.

We’ll also be doing a project in Tenino for Carole and her disabled daughter. The project includes replacing some water damaged siding and window trim, installing a new door, and painting. Since Carole and her daughter applied, volunteers have already installed one new door; repaired three faucets and two toilet leaks; replaced her front and back stairs and handrails; installed deadbolts, smoke, and CO2 detectors; installed new deck boards; and replaced the dishwasher and washer.

One project we're not able to do is for Jesus and Emilia. The 80+ year old couple have a mobile home. The home’s pipes and hot water tank had numerous leaks which we repaired with the help of volunteers and R & S Plumbing. Unfortunately, the long term leaks resulted in mold and mildew growing in and under the house which worsened Emilia’s lung issues. Emilia had to move out of the home and in with their daughter to protect her health. Jesus now lives alone in the mobile home. In addition to the plumbing leaks (which we’ve repaired), the couple also needed new flooring in their bedroom, woodstove chimney pipe replaced, and their existing wheelchair ramp replaced. We solicited bids for mold mitigation but determined it was too expensive to do. If you have any ideas or affordable resources for this project, please contact the office. We would like to reunite Jesus and Emilia.


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