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Access To The World Through Rebuilding Together


This ramp, built by volunteers from First United Methodist Church of Olympia, allows Michael to easily wheel in and out of his home.

Michael, 51 years old, was self-sufficient until recently. Due to health issues his right leg was amputated above the knee and he had to move in with his parents in Rochester. His parents’ home sits on a foundation four feet off the ground with a significant number of stairs to get to the front door.

Michael needed a wheelchair ramp to access the house, a high profile toilet, and grab bars in the shower and toilet areas to keep him safe and secure. With no income and a big need, Michael’s health care coordinator suggested he contact Rebuilding Together for help.

The men’s group from First United Methodist Church of Olympia came to the rescue and built a wheelchair ramp, installed grab bars, and toilet.

Thank you to our donors and the volunteers from First United Methodist Church - you made this happen!

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