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Thank You To Our Community Supporters


A big thank you to our new and “veteran” community supporters:

  • Puget Sound Energy for a $5,000 grant

  • MultiCare for a $5,000 grant to fund critical repair projects

  • Molina Healthcare will be a new 2023 Build It Breakfast sponsor and provide project volunteers

  • Home Depot for providing funds to purchase grab bars and project volunteers

  • Olympia Rotary for funds to purchase a much needed utility trailer and the volunteers for its “inaugural” project

  • Lowe’s for providing RTTC with $12,000 in much needed and appreciated gift cards

  • Oly Fed for making RTTC its Two Cent Campaign recipient for February 2023. Every time a transaction is conducted using an Oly Fed debit card in February, the bank will donate two cents to Rebuilding Together Thurston County. While two cents may initially not seem like much, RTTC received almost $2,500 last time we were the chosen organization. If you are an Oly Fed account holder, please be sure to use your debit card on everything and anything in February! Thank you Oly Fed for your financial and volunteer support.


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